用 Vue.js + vue-router 创建单页应用,是非常简单的。使用 Vue.js ,我们已经可以通过组合组件来组成应用程序,当你要把 vue-router 添加进来,我们需要做的是,将组件(components)映射到路由(routes),然后告诉 vue-router 在哪里渲染它们。
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| $ npm install --global vue-cli
$ vue init webpack my-project
$ cd my-project $ npm run dev
src/router/index.js是定义路由的脚本 path是路径, name是名称 ,component是跳转的组件 。
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| <template> <div> 这是一个列表 </div> </template>
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| <template> <div> 关于我们 </div> </template>
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| import Vue from 'vue' import Router from 'vue-router' import HelloWorld from '@/components/HelloWorld' import list from '@/components/list' import about from '@/components/about'
export default new Router({ routes: [ { path: '/', name: 'HelloWorld', component: HelloWorld }, { path: '/list', name: 'List', component: list }, { path: '/about', name: 'About', component: about } ] })
修改src/app.vue ,添加链接
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| <router-link to="/" >首页</router-link> <router-link to="/list">列表</router-link> <router-link to="/about">关于</router-link>
属性 |
类型 |
含义 |
to |
string \ |
Location |
表示目标路由的链接。当被点击后,内部会立刻把 to 的值传到 router.push() ,所以这个值可以是一个字符串或者是描述目标位置的对象。 |
replace |
boolean |
设置 replace 属性的话,当点击时,会调用 router.replace() 而不是 router.push() ,于是导航后不会留下 history 记录。 |
append |
boolean |
设置 append 属性后,则在当前(相对)路径前添加基路径。例如,我们从 /a 导航到一个相对路径 b ,如果没有配置 append ,则路径为 /b ,如果配了,则为 /a/b |
一个『路径参数』使用冒号 :
标记。当匹配到一个路由时,参数值会被设置到 this.$route.params
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| <template> <div> 详细页 {{ $route.params.id }} </div> </template>
| import item from '@/components/item'
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| { path: '/item/:id', name: 'Item', component: item }
修改src/components/list.vue, 增加链接
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| <template> <div> 这是一个列表 <router-link to="/item/1">新闻1</router-link> <router-link to="/item/2">新闻2</router-link> <router-link to="/item/3">新闻3</router-link> </div> </template>
实际生活中的应用界面,通常由多层嵌套的组件组合而成。同样地,URL 中各段动态路径也按某种结构对应嵌套的各层组件,例如:
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| /user/foo/profile /user/foo/posts +------------------+ +-----------------+ | User | | User | | +--------------+ | | +-------------+ | | | Profile | | +------------> | | Posts | | | | | | | | | | | +--------------+ | | +-------------+ | +------------------+ +-----------------+
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| <template> <div> 地址:金燕龙 </div> </template>
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| <template> <div> 联系人:小二黑 </div> </template>
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| { path: '/about', name: 'About', component: about, children: [ {path: 'linkman', component: linkman}, {path: 'address', component: address} ] }
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| <template> <div> 关于我们 <router-link to="/about/address" >地址</router-link> <router-link to="/about/linkman" >联系人</router-link> <router-view/> </div> </template>
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| import Vue from 'vue' import Router from 'vue-router'
import Layout from '../views/layout/Layout'
export const constantRouterMap = [ { path: '/login', component: () => import('@/views/login/index'), hidden: true }, { path: '/404', component: () => import('@/views/404'), hidden: true }, { path: '/', component: Layout, redirect: '/dashboard', name: 'Dashboard', hidden: true, children: [{ path: 'dashboard', component: () => import('@/views/dashboard/index') }] }, { path: '/example', component: Layout, redirect: '/example/table', name: 'Example', meta: { title: 'Example', icon: 'example' }, children: [ { path: 'table', name: 'Table', component: () => import('@/views/table/index'), meta: { title: 'Table', icon: 'table' } }, { path: 'tree', name: 'Tree', component: () => import('@/views/tree/index'), meta: { title: 'Tree', icon: 'tree' } } ] }, { path: '/form', component: Layout, children: [ { path: 'index', name: 'Form', component: () => import('@/views/form/index'), meta: { title: 'Form', icon: 'form' } } ] }, { path: '*', redirect: '/404', hidden: true } ]
export default new Router({ scrollBehavior: () => ({ y: 0 }), routes: constantRouterMap })
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| ..... import router from './router' ..... new Vue({ el: '#app', router, template: '<App/>', components: { App } })
修改src/router/index.js 中constantRouterMap
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| export const constantRouterMap = [ { path: '/login', component: () => import('@/views/login/index'), hidden: true }, { path: '/404', component: () => import('@/views/404'), hidden: true }, { path: '/', component: Layout, redirect: '/dashboard', name: 'Dashboard', hidden: true, children: [{ path: 'dashboard', component: () => import('@/views/dashboard/index') }] }, { path: '/gathering', component: Layout, redirect: '/example/table', name: 'gathering', meta: { title: '活动管理', icon: 'example' }, children: [ { path: 'gathering', name: 'gathering', component: () => import('@/views/table/gathering'), meta: { title: '活动管理', icon: 'table' }} ] }, { path: '/recruit', component: Layout, redirect: '/example/table', name: 'recruit', meta: { title: '招聘管理', icon: 'example' }, children: [ { path: 'enterprise', name: 'enterprise', component: () => import('@/views/table/enterprise'), meta: { title: '企业管理', icon: 'table' }}, { path: 'recruit', name: 'recruit', component: () => import('@/views/table/recruit'), meta: { title: '招聘管理', icon: 'table' }} ] }, { path: '/article', component: Layout, redirect: '/example/table', name: 'article', meta: { title: '文章管理', icon: 'example' }, children: [ { path: 'channel', name: 'channel', component: () => import('@/views/table/channel'), meta: { title: '频道管理', icon: 'table' }}, { path: 'column', name: 'column', component: () => import('@/views/table/column'), meta: { title: '专栏管理', icon: 'table' }}, { path: 'article', name: 'article', component: () => import('@/views/table/article'), meta: { title: '文章管理', icon: 'table' }} ] }, { path: '*', redirect: '/404', hidden: true } ]
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| { path: '/recruit', component: Layout, redirect: '/example/table', name: 'recruit', meta: { title: '招聘管理', icon: 'example' }, children: [ { path: 'enterprise', name: 'enterprise', component: () => import('@/views/table/enterprise'), meta: { title: '企业管理', icon: 'table' }}, { path: 'recruit', name: 'recruit', component: () => import('@/views/table/recruit'), meta: { title: '招聘管理', icon: 'table' }} ] },
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| <el-form-item label="企业简介"> <el-input v-model="pojo.summary" type="textarea" :rows="4"></el-input> </el-form-item>
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| <el-form-item label="是否热门"> <el-switch placeholder="是否热门" on-text="" off-text="" active-value="1" inactive-value="0" v-model="pojo.ishot" ></el-switch> </el-form-item>
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| <el-form-item label="任职方式"> <el-radio v-model="pojo.type" label="1">全职</el-radio> <el-radio v-model="pojo.type" label="2">兼职</el-radio> </el-form-item>
(1)修改src/views/table/recruit.vue 增加变量–企业列表
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| created() { this.fetchData() enterprise.getList().then(response => { if (response.flag === true) { this.enterpriseList = response.data } }) },
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| <el-form-item label="企业ID"> <el-select v-model="pojo.eid" filterable placeholder="请选择"> <el-option v-for="item in enterpriseList" :key="item.id" :label="item.name" :value="item.id"> </el-option> </el-select> </el-form-item>
1 2 3
| <el-form-item label="状态"> <el-switch placeholder="是否热门" on-text="" off-text="" active-value="1" inactive-value="0" v-model="pojo.state" ></el-switch> </el-form-item>
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| <el-input v-model="pojo.url" placeholder="请输入网址"> <template slot="prepend">http://</template> </el-input></el-form-item>
修改src/table/column.vue ,修改data变量的值
(1)修改src/api/column.js ,新增专栏审核方法
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| examine(id) { return request({ url: `/${api_name}/examine/${id}`, method: 'put' }) }
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| handleExamine(id) { this.$confirm('确定要审核吗?', '提示', { confirmButtonText: '确定', cancelButtonText: '取消', type: 'warning' }).then(() => { message.handleShowMessage(column.examine(id), this) }) }
| <el-button type="warning" plain size="small" @click="handleExamine(scope.row.id)" >审核</el-button>
修改src/table/article.vue ,修改data变量的值
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| <el-form :inline="true" class="demo-form-inline"> <el-form-item label="标题"> <el-input v-model="searchMap.title" placeholder="标题"></el-input></el-form-item> <el-form-item label="文章正文"> <el-input v-model="searchMap.content" placeholder="文章正文"></el-input></el-form-item> <el-button type="primary" @click="fetchData()">查询</el-button> <el-button type="primary" icon="el-icon-circle-plus" @click="handleEdit('')">新增</el-button> </el-form>
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| <el-table-column prop="id" label="ID" width="80"></el-table-column> <el-table-column prop="columnid" label="专栏ID" width="80"></el-table-column> <el-table-column prop="userid" label="用户ID" width="80"></el-table-column> <el-table-column prop="title" label="标题" width="80"></el-table-column> <el-table-column prop="image" label="文章封面" width="80"></el-table-column> <el-table-column prop="createtime" label="发表日期" width="80"></el-table-column> <el-table-column prop="ispublic" label="是否公开" width="80"></el-table-column> <el-table-column prop="istop" label="是否置顶" width="80"></el-table-column> <el-table-column prop="state" label="审核状态" width="80"></el-table-column> <el-table-column prop="channelid" label="所属频道" width="80"></el-table-column> <el-table-column prop="url" label="URL" width="80"></el-table-column> <el-table-column prop="type" label="类型" width="80"></el-table-column>
点击“详情”按钮打开窗口,显示标题和正文 v-html用于显示富文本内容。
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| <el-dialog title="详情" :visible.sync="dialogFormVisible" > {{pojo.title}} <hr> <div v-html='pojo.content'></div> </el-dialog>
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| examine(id) { return request({ url: `/${api_name}/examine/${id}`, method: 'put' }) }
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
| handleExamine(id) { this.$confirm('确定要审核通过吗?', '提示', { confirmButtonText: '确定', cancelButtonText: '取消', type: 'warning' }).then(() => { message.handleShowMessage(article.examine(id), this) this.dialogFormVisible = false }) }
1 2 3
| <el-button type="success" @click="handleExamine(pojo.id)" >审核通过</el-button> <el-button type="danger" @click="handleDelete(pojo.id)" >删除</el-button> <el-button @click="dialogFormVisible = false">关闭</el-button>
| this.dialogFormVisible = false
4.1 Vuex简介
Vuex 是一个专为 Vue.js 应用程序开发的状态管理模式。它采用集中式存储管理应用的所有组件的状态,并以相应的规则保证状态以一种可预测的方式发生变化。
什么是状态管理模式?让我们从一个简单的 代码理解单向数据流:
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| new Vue({ data () { return { count: 0 } }, template: ` <div>{{ count }}</div> `, methods: { increment () { this.count++ } } })
- state,驱动应用的数据源;
- view,以声明方式将 state 映射到视图;
- actions,响应在 view 上的用户输入导致的状态变化。

- 多个视图依赖于同一状态。
- 来自不同视图的行为需要变更同一状态。
Vuex 的思想就是把组件的共享状态抽取出来,以一个全局单例模式管理。在这种模式下,我们的组件树构成了一个巨大的“视图”,不管在树的哪个位置,任何组件都能获取状态或者触发行为!
4.2 Store
每一个 Vuex 应用的核心就是 store(仓库)。“store”基本上就是一个容器,它包含着你的应用中大部分的状态 (state)。Vuex 和单纯的全局对象有以下两点不同:
- Vuex 的状态存储是响应式的。当 Vue 组件从 store 中读取状态的时候,若 store 中的状态发生变化,那么相应的组件也会相应地得到高效更新。
- 你不能直接改变 store 中的状态。改变 store 中的状态的唯一途径就是显式地提交 (commit) mutation。这样使得我们可以方便地跟踪每一个状态的变化,从而让我们能够实现一些工具帮助我们更好地了解我们的应用。
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const store = new Vuex.Store({ state: { count: 0 }, mutations: { increment (state) { state.count++ } } })
现在,你可以通过 store.state
来获取状态对象,以及通过 store.commit
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| store.commit('increment') console.log(store.state.count)
4.3 核心概念
4.3.1 State
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| const Counter = { template: `<div>{{ count }}</div>`, computed: { count () { return store.state.count } } }
每当 store.state.count
变化的时候, 都会重新求取计算属性,并且触发更新相关联的 DOM。
然而,这种模式导致组件依赖全局状态单例。在模块化的构建系统中,在每个需要使用 state 的组件中需要频繁地导入,并且在测试组件时需要模拟状态。
Vuex 通过 store
选项,提供了一种机制将状态从根组件“注入”到每一个子组件中(需调用 Vue.use(Vuex)
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| const app = new Vue({ el: '#app', store, components: { Counter }, template: ` <div class="app"> <counter></counter> </div> ` })
通过在根实例中注册 store
选项,该 store 实例会注入到根组件下的所有子组件中,且子组件能通过 this.$store
访问到。让我们更新下 Counter
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| const Counter = { template: `<div>{{ count }}</div>`, computed: { count () { return this.$store.state.count } } }
4.3.2 Getter
有时候我们需要从 store 中的 state 中派生出一些状态,例如对列表进行过滤并计数:
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| computed: { doneTodosCount () { return this.$store.state.todos.filter(todo => todo.done).length } }
Vuex 允许我们在 store 中定义“getter”(可以认为是 store 的计算属性)。就像计算属性一样,getter 的返回值会根据它的依赖被缓存起来,且只有当它的依赖值发生了改变才会被重新计算。
Getter 接受 state 作为其第一个参数:
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| const store = new Vuex.Store({ state: { todos: [ { id: 1, text: '...', done: true }, { id: 2, text: '...', done: false } ] }, getters: { doneTodos: state => { return state.todos.filter(todo => todo.done) } } })
Getter 会暴露为 store.getters
Getter 也可以接受其他 getter 作为第二个参数:
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| getters: { doneTodosCount: (state, getters) => { return getters.doneTodos.length } } store.getters.doneTodosCount
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| computed: { doneTodosCount () { return this.$store.getters.doneTodosCount } }
4.3.3 Mutation
更改 Vuex 的 store 中的状态的唯一方法是提交 mutation。Vuex 中的 mutation 非常类似于事件:每个 mutation 都有一个字符串的 事件类型 (type) 和 一个 回调函数 (handler)。这个回调函数就是我们实际进行状态更改的地方,并且它会接受 state 作为第一个参数:
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| const store = new Vuex.Store({ state: { count: 1 }, mutations: { increment (state) { state.count++ } } })
你不能直接调用一个 mutation handler。这个选项更像是事件注册:“当触发一个类型为 increment
的 mutation 时,调用此函数。”要唤醒一个 mutation handler,你需要以相应的 type 调用 store.commit 方法:
| store.commit('increment')
你可以向 store.commit
传入额外的参数,即 mutation 的 载荷(payload):
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| mutations: { increment (state, n) { state.count += n } } store.commit('increment', 10)
在大多数情况下,载荷应该是一个对象,这样可以包含多个字段并且记录的 mutation 会更易读:
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| mutations: { increment (state, payload) { state.count += payload.amount } } store.commit('increment', { amount: 10 })
一条重要的原则就是要记住 mutation 必须是同步函数。
4.3.4 Action
Action 类似于 mutation,不同在于:
- Action 提交的是 mutation,而不是直接变更状态。
- Action 可以包含任意异步操作。
让我们来注册一个简单的 action:
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| const store = new Vuex.Store({ state: { count: 0 }, mutations: { increment (state) { state.count++ } }, actions: { increment (context) { context.commit('increment') } } })
Action 函数接受一个与 store 实例具有相同方法和属性的 context 对象,因此你可以调用 context.commit
提交一个 mutation,或者通过 context.state
和 context.getters
来获取 state 和 getters。
实践中,我们会经常用到 ES6的 参数解构 来简化代码(特别是我们需要调用 commit
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| actions: { increment ({ commit }) { commit('increment') } }
Action 通过 store.dispatch
| store.dispatch('increment')
Actions 支持同样的载荷方式触发:
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| store.dispatch('incrementAsync', { amount: 10 })
4.3.5 Module
由于使用单一状态树,应用的所有状态会集中到一个比较大的对象。当应用变得非常复杂时,store 对象就有可能变得相当臃肿。
为了解决以上问题,Vuex 允许我们将 store 分割成模块(module)。每个模块拥有自己的 state、mutation、action、getter、甚至是嵌套子模块——从上至下进行同样方式的分割:
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| const moduleA = { state: { ... }, mutations: { ... }, actions: { ... }, getters: { ... } }
const moduleB = { state: { ... }, mutations: { ... }, actions: { ... } }
const store = new Vuex.Store({ modules: { a: moduleA, b: moduleB } })
store.state.a store.state.b
Vuex 并不限制你的代码结构。但是,它规定了一些需要遵守的规则:
- 应用层级的状态应该集中到单个 store 对象中。
- 提交 mutation 是更改状态的唯一方法,并且这个过程是同步的。
- 异步逻辑都应该封装到 action 里面。
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| ├── index.html ├── main.js ├── api │ └── ... # 抽取出API请求 ├── components │ ├── App.vue │ └── ... └── store ├── index.js # 我们组装模块并导出 store 的地方 ├── actions.js # 根级别的 action ├── mutations.js # 根级别的 mutation └── modules ├── cart.js # 购物车模块 └── products.js # 产品模块
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| import request from '@/utils/request'
export function login(username, password) { return request({ url: '/user/login', method: 'post', data: { username, password } }) }
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| import { login, logout, getInfo } from '@/api/login' import { getToken, setToken, removeToken } from '@/utils/auth'
const user = { state: { token: getToken(), name: '', avatar: '', roles: [] },
mutations: { SET_TOKEN: (state, token) => { state.token = token }, SET_NAME: (state, name) => { state.name = name }, SET_AVATAR: (state, avatar) => { state.avatar = avatar }, SET_ROLES: (state, roles) => { state.roles = roles } },
actions: { Login({ commit }, userInfo) { const username = userInfo.username.trim() return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { login(username, userInfo.password).then(response => { const data = response.data setToken(data.token) commit('SET_TOKEN', data.token) resolve() }).catch(error => { reject(error) }) }) } } } export default user
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| const getters = { token: state => state.user.token, avatar: state => state.user.avatar, name: state => state.user.name, roles: state => state.user.roles } export default getters
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| import Vue from 'vue' import Vuex from 'vuex' import user from './modules/user' import getters from './getters'
const store = new Vuex.Store({ modules: { user }, getters })
export default store
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| import store from './store' ...... new Vue({ el: '#app', router, store, template: '<App/>', components: { App } })
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| <template> <div class="login-container"> <el-form autoComplete="on" :model="loginForm" :rules="loginRules" ref="loginForm" label-position="left" label-width="0px" class="card-box login-form"> <h3 class="title">十次方管理后台</h3> <el-form-item prop="username"> <span class="svg-container svg-container_login"> <svg-icon icon-class="user" /> </span> <el-input name="username" type="text" v-model="loginForm.username" autoComplete="on" placeholder="username" /> </el-form-item> <el-form-item prop="password"> <span class="svg-container"> <svg-icon icon-class="password"></svg-icon> </span> <el-input name="password" :type="pwdType" @keyup.enter.native="handleLogin" v-model="loginForm.password" autoComplete="on" placeholder="password"></el-input> <span class="show-pwd" @click="showPwd"><svg-icon icon-class="eye" /></span> </el-form-item> <el-form-item> <el-button type="primary" style="width:100%;" :loading="loading" @click.native.prevent="handleLogin"> Sign in </el-button> </el-form-item> <div class="tips"> <span style="margin-right:20px;">username: admin</span> <span> password: admin</span> </div> </el-form> </div> </template> <script> import { isvalidUsername } from '@/utils/validate' export default { name: 'login', data() { const validateUsername = (rule, value, callback) => { if (!isvalidUsername(value)) { callback(new Error('请输入正确的用户名')) } else { callback() } } const validatePass = (rule, value, callback) => { if (value.length < 5) { callback(new Error('密码不能小于5位')) } else { callback() } } return { loginForm: { username: 'admin', password: 'admin' }, loginRules: { username: [{ required: true, trigger: 'blur', validator: validateUsername }], password: [{ required: true, trigger: 'blur', validator: validatePass }] }, loading: false, pwdType: 'password' } }, methods: { showPwd() { if (this.pwdType === 'password') { this.pwdType = '' } else { this.pwdType = 'password' } }, handleLogin() { this.$refs.loginForm.validate(valid => { if (valid) { this.loading = true this.$store.dispatch('Login', this.loginForm).then(() => { this.loading = false this.$router.push({ path: '/' }) }).catch(() => { this.loading = false }) } else { console.log('error submit!!') return false } }) } } } </script> ....样式略
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| export function getInfo(token) { return request({ url: '/user/info', method: 'get', params: { token } }) }
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| GetInfo({ commit, state }) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { getInfo(state.token).then(response => { const data = response.data commit('SET_ROLES', data.roles) commit('SET_NAME', data.name) commit('SET_AVATAR', data.avatar) resolve(response) }).catch(error => { reject(error) }) }) },
(3)在src下创建permission.js ,实现用户信息的拉取
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| import router from './router' import store from './store' import NProgress from 'nprogress' import 'nprogress/nprogress.css' import { Message } from 'element-ui' import { getToken } from '@/utils/auth'
const whiteList = ['/login'] router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => { NProgress.start() if (getToken()) { if (to.path === '/login') { next({ path: '/' }) } else { if (store.getters.roles.length === 0) { store.dispatch('GetInfo').then(res => { next() }).catch(() => { store.dispatch('FedLogOut').then(() => { Message.error('验证失败,请重新登录') next({ path: '/login' }) }) }) } else { next() } } } else { if (whiteList.indexOf(to.path) !== -1) { next() } else { next('/login') NProgress.done() } } })
router.afterEach(() => { NProgress.done() })
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| <script> import { mapGetters } from 'vuex' import Breadcrumb from '@/components/Breadcrumb' import Hamburger from '@/components/Hamburger'
export default { components: { Breadcrumb, Hamburger }, computed: { ...mapGetters([ 'sidebar', 'avatar' ]) }, methods: { toggleSideBar() { this.$store.dispatch('ToggleSideBar') }, logout() { this.$store.dispatch('LogOut').then(() => { location.reload() }) } } } </script>
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| <div class="avatar-wrapper"> <img class="user-avatar" :src="avatar+'?imageView2/1/w/80/h/80'"> <i class="el-icon-caret-bottom"></i> </div>
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| export function logout() { return request({ url: '/user/logout', method: 'post' }) }
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| LogOut({ commit, state }) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { logout(state.token).then(() => { commit('SET_TOKEN', '') commit('SET_ROLES', []) removeToken() resolve() }).catch(error => { reject(error) }) }) },
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| logout() { this.$store.dispatch('LogOut').then(() => { location.reload() }) }
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| <el-dropdown-item divided> <span @click="logout" style="display:block;">退出登录</span> </el-dropdown-item>